Vystúpenie J. Zaťka na online konferencii Asociácie právnej kliniky Ukrajiny

Riaditeľ agentúry, Jozef Zaťko, vystúpil dňa 3. 10. 2020 na online konferencii AYUKU Asociácie právnych kliník Ukrajiny.

Téma konferencie: “Výkonný zápis notára v oblasti úverových záväzkov. Zvláštnosti ochrany spotrebiteľa pri finančných službách”.
Konferencia bola organizovaná v spolupráci so zastupiteľstvom “Právnej kliniky “NPL„ NNIP UDFSU v Slavjansku v rámci projektu USAID „Transformácia finančného sektoru“ s podporou Asociácie právnych kliník Ukrajiny.

On the eve of the Day of the Education Worker of Ukraine, representatives of the European Institute for Further Education EIDV at the invitation of the EIDV expert on legal issues Oksana Vynohradska, took part in the training “Notary’s executive inscription in credit obligations. Features of protection of the rights of consumers of financial services”.
Speakers: Vynogradska Oksana Volodymyrivna, lawyer, graduate student of UFDSU,
Kabanov Volodymyr Ivanovych, lawyer, graduate student of UDFSU.

The event took place online on the ZOOM platform.
The training was prepared by NPL “Law Clinic” NNIP UDFSU together with the Representative Office NPL “Law Clinic” NNIP UDFSU in Slovyansk, within the USAID Project “Financial Sector Transformation” with the support of the Association of Law Clinics of Ukraine.

President of EIDV JUDr. Jozef Zaťko congratulated the participants of the training, told about the role of the institution of law in the modern state.

We are sincerely grateful to our partners
Dmitriy Lazarenko, EIDV supports you in projects on development of legal awareness of youth of Ukraine!