13. apríl 2016 | 9:00
13. apríl 2016 | 18:00
Kyjev, Ukrajina
Východoeurópska agentúra pre rozvoj n.o. pripravila v spolupráci s Pastoral Council of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine vedeckú konferenciu pod názvom “Present and perspectives of prison pastoral care“, ktorá sa uskutočnila dňa 13. apríla 2016 v meste Kyiv, Ukrajina.
Topics for discussion:
– Legal perspective of prison pastoral care
– Issues of pastoral practice applicable to prison regime
– Principles of prison chaplaincy in a multi-confessional environment
– Spiritual needs of prison staff, the Christian approaches to formation of personnel of prison service.
List of issues is open for additional topics and thoughts.